The Board

The Board is comprised of the General  Director,  the Secretary, the Treasure and the Division Directors. The General Director is in charge of business with other occupational health and safety organizations.

Board of Directors

Binh Pham
Board of Director
Cuong Tran
Cuong Tran, MBA, RSM
Board of Director
Huy Tran
Huy Tran, B.Sc, RSM
Board of Director
Phuc Le
Le Phuc, B.Sc, RSM
Board of Director

The Board of Directors' duties

  • Determine the WSO Vietnam (as stated WSO VN)’s mission and purpose.
  • Comply with the activities approved at the annual meetings.
  • Ensure an orderly and effective transition of duties and management of change of the WSO VN.
  • Monitor the WSO VN’s services and programs.
  • As feasible, conduct speaking engagements (both getting engagements & doing the actual speaking).
  • Enhance the WSO VN’s public image.
  • Make decisions in the best interest of the nonprofit corporation; not in his or her self-interest.
  • Determine the values to be promoted throughout the WSO VN.
  • Review WSO VN’s policies, strategy, vision, mission, and values statements.
  • Ensure adequate resources and manage resources effectively.
  • Organize the annual meetings and other public training.
  • Provide oversight for all activities that advance the nonprofit’s effectiveness and sustainability.
  • Work with WSO Management Center in USA.
  • Proctor exams of WSO professional certifications in Vietnam.
  • Promote and guide applicants who want to take WSO certifications.
  • Promote WSO Membership.
  • Present annual performance of WSO VN.
  • Present program activities in the next year.