The WSO Certification board has been established as a body with its sole purpose to strive for a universal level of professionalism and competency among the WSO Certified Members whose functions are related to safety, occupational and environmental safety and health and related disciplines.
Over 1,000 national (U.S.) and international corporations, plus numerous private institutions, are recognizing the WSO certifications. In the U.S.A., this recognition is at the corporate level, as well as, with the legislative bodies of the Federal, State, City, County and other local governments, plus educational institutions. This gives the WSO certified member an excellent placement within the safety and associated professions, and gives them the potential to voice their opinion, expertise and suggestions, not only on the national level, but also on the worldwide bases.
This is not only through the WSO international membership (over 150 countries), but also through a close cooperation with other national and international organizations worldwide, such as ANSI in the U.S.A., or the ILO, WHO, ISO and many cooperating national safety councils and other allied societies, associations and organizations.
The WSO certified members are professionals in the multi-disciplines of safety and accident prevention, recognized for their practical experience and education, obtained through academic institutions and continuing education programs. WSO certified members are involved in all areas of government (federal, state, province, etc.). WSO Certified Members are corporate directors, university faculty, private consultants, medical doctors, researchers, generalists and specialists in their field of expertise, etc.