WSO Awards

Do you know an individual, company, corporation, or organization that has had some amazing accomplishments or made outstanding strides in the Safety Field? If so, why not nominate them for one of the WSO awards? Below is an exhaustive list, with the requirements, of all the WSO Awards. The winners will be presented their awards at the WSO Awards Banquet, which is held on Monday evening of the Annual Symposium. If you have any questions concerning these WSO Awards, please contact our office.
NOTE: Self-nominations will not be considered.

I. List Of Awards:
- WSO Environmental/Occupational Safety Person of the Year
- WSO James K. Williams Award
- WSO Glenn E. Hudson Award
- WSO Concerned Citizen Award
- WSO Concerned Professional Award
- WSO J. Peter Cunliffe Transportation Award
- WSO Concerned Company/Corporation Award
- WSO Concerned Company/Corporation Honorable Mention Certificate
- WSO Educational Award
- WSO Concerned Organization Award
- WSO Chapter/WSO National Office of the Year
- WSO Award for Achievement in Scientific Research and Development
- WSO Donald E. Rhodes Honorable Mention Certificate
- WSO John A. Agrilla Honorable Mention Certificate
II. Criteria For The WSO Awards:
Listed below are some criteria used in the selection of individuals, companies, corporate organizations, etc., for the awards of the World Safety Organization. Also listed are the number of awards to which these presentations are limited. The support of the WSO purpose “…to protect people, resources, environment, and property” and the support of the WSO motto “Making Safety A Way Of Life…Worldwide” are nominal for all awards.
Detail of Awards
World Environmental/Occupational Safety Person of the Year: Individual working full time in the field of environmental/occupational safety/health, hazardous materials management, or allied field, with national and international experience, etc. Membership in the WSO is not a requirement. (one award per year)
Nominator: May be nominated by an individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: An individual who has shown above-average support and dedication to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment on an international basis, fulfilling at least three of the following requirements (may be retired, does not have to be practicing full time in the safety profession at the time of nomination):
- Can document continuous involvement in safety or allied profession for a period of at least 10 years;
- Participated in a significant manner in the safety discipline work in at least five countries worldwide;
- Authored book(s)/article(s)/text(s) in his/her field of expertise, significant in nature, published in at least five countries worldwide, or an international publication distributed in at least five countries;
- Designed concept, process, or some other notable invention within the safety disciplines;
- Shown a significant support for the promotion of safety education and discipline;
- Other significant accomplishments may be submitted for review.
WSO James K. Williams Award: An Active Member of the WSO who has shown above average support and cooperation for the organization and was actively involved in the WSO programs, operations, etc., on a volunteer assistance and work basis. (one award per year)
Nominator: May be nominated by any member of the WSO with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments on behalf of the World Safety Organization.
Criteria for Nomination: A member in good standing with the World Safety Organization who has unselfishly provided significant assistance with and support of the programs of the WSO, as well as a strong dedication to the WSO purpose of protection of people, property, resources, and the environment, and with a full support of the WSO motto “Making Safety A Way Of Life…Worldwide.”
WSO Glenn E. Hudson Award: The WSO Glenn E. Hudson award is presented to a person(s) and or organization(s) for outstanding achievement or performance of special service in the advancement of the disciplines of WSO in a country other than the United State of America (USA). The purpose is to recognize and foster the growth of WSO outside the USA. Person(s) or organization(s) residing outside the USA, including US citizens, are eligible. Non-U.S. citizens are not eligible for work performed in the USA. (one award per year)
Criteria for Nomination: Selection is based on such issues/contributions as: • Significant representation of the international community at International WSO Organization Conferences; • Papers on WSO that were published by the nominee in countries other than the USA; • Participation and contribution at other international conferences on safety; • Clear demonstration of excellence in the application of WSO in countries other than the USA; • Papers submitted and published in the WSO Journal.
WSO Concerned Citizen Award: Active Member of the WSO who has shown above-average support and cooperation for the community organizations and programs, volunteered his/her time to those programs, served on community boards, provided training etc. (one award per year)
Nominator: Must be nominated by an individual(s) from one of the organizations which benefited from the nominee’s support and who is familiar with and has an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments in conjunction with the above volunteer work.
Criteria for Nomination: A member in good standing with the World Safety Organization who has unselfishly provided significant assistance and support of the local community programs where safety was the most important aspect, as well as a strong dedication to the WSO purpose of protection of people, property, resources, and the environment, and with a full support of the WSO motto “Making Safety A Way Of Life…Worldwide.”
WSO Concerned Professional Award: An Active Member of the WSO who has shown above-average skills in design, leadership, and supervision of environmental/occupational safety and health programs, hazardous materials management programs, transportation safety programs, etc. (two awards per year)
Nominator: Must be nominated by an individual with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments, such as the Company/Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer, Owner, Mayor, a group of co-workers with an approval of the immediate supervisor and company/corporation’s head, Member of the Advisory Body of the WSO Chapter, etc.
Criteria for Nomination: A member in good standing with the World Safety Organization who exhibits total dedication and commitment to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through participation and personal involvement in professional safety activities.
WSO J. Peter Cunliffe Transportation Award: Active Member of the WSO who has shown above-average skills in design, leadership, and supervision of transportation program, etc. (one award per year)
Nominator: Must be nominated by an individual with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments, such as the company/corporation’s Chief Executive Officer, Owners, Mayor, a group of co-workers with an approval of the immediate supervisor and company/corporation’s head, member of the advisory body of the WSO Chapter, etc.
Criteria for Nomination: A member in good standing with the World Safety Organization who exhibits total dedication and commitment to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through participation and personal involvement in professional safety activities.
WSO Concerned Company/Corporation Award: Nominees can be recognized as: • a company or corporation with an excellent safety program, safety record, etc., industrial in nature, with programs on off-the-job safety, environmental programs, etc.; • a company or corporation, non-industrial in nature, with an excellent safety or environmental program, safety record, etc. (six awards per year; seven if no non-industrial entity is selected)
Nominator: May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: Company or corporation who is actively (and above-average in) contributing to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through innovative programs; shows distinctive concern for the well-being of its employees and local community.
WSO Concerned Company/Corporation Honorable Mention Certificate: A Company or corporation with commendable support of environmental, occupational, safety, etc., programs. Industrial or non-industrial. (two awards per year)
Nominator: May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: Institution, company, training entity, individual, etc., with an above-average program of educational nature in the fields of environmental/occupational safety and health, fire science and safety, public safety, healthcare safety, transportation safety, or similar programs; actively (and above-average in) contributing to the protection of people, property, resources, and environment through innovative programs; with distinctive concern for the education of professionals and general public in the disciplines of safety and allied fields.
WSO Educational Award: An Institution, company, training entity, individual, etc., with an above-average program of educational nature in the fields of safety, environment, public safety, healthcare safety, transportation safety, etc. (three awards per year)
Nominator: May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: Institution, company, training entity, individual, etc., with an above-average program of educational nature in the fields of environmental/occupational safety and health, fire science and safety, public safety, healthcare safety, transportation safety, or similar programs; actively (and above average in) contributing to the protection of people, property, resources and the environment through innovative programs; with distinctive concern for the education of professionals and general public in the disciplines of safety and allied fields.
WSO Concerned Organization Award: An Association, Society, Agency, etc., with an above-average support of safety, environmental, etc., movement. (two awards per year)
Nominator: May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: Association, Society, Agency, etc., with an above-average support of safety, environmental, etc., movement; actively (and above average in) contributing to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through innovative programs; with distinctive purpose and goals to enhance the safety awareness.
WSO Chapter/WSO National Office of the Year Award: The WSO Chapter/WSO National Office of the year award is presented annually to recognize exceptional effort on the part of a WSO Chapter/WSO National Office membership to promote WSO and the organization. Any WSO Chapter/National Office in good standing is eligible for this award. (one award per year)
Criteria for Nomination: Number of meetings held, ratio of percentage of chapter members attending meetings, quality and number of Chapter/National Office newsletters, special events conducted by the Chapter/National Office, number of activities held to promote WSO and the organization, number of new members, participation in the awards program, articles submitted and published in WSO Journal by Chapter/National Office members.
WSO Award for Achievement in Scientific Research and Development: Presented to an individual or group who has made contributions to the advancement of WSO through research and development programs. Any individual (members or non-members) or a group is eligible. Selection is based on individual or group actions that significantly contributed to the effectiveness of the application of WSO programs in research and development. (one award per year)
Criteria for Nomination: • Direction or coordination of a major research project that led to the development of new approaches to the application of principles/techniques to a major system (transportation, nuclear, etc.) or product (automobile, aircraft, or other major consumer product) where significant increases in the safety of the user can be demonstrated; • The development of testing methods or standards that has contributed significantly to the safety interface between the system and the operator of the product and the consumer; • The development of testing methods or standards that has clearly enhanced the safety of research and development testing operations. Standards/methods must have been adopted and implemented to standard practice in a major system or organization; • Significant development in the process of evolving WSO as a true discipline; • Membership in the WSO is not a requirement
WSO Donald E. Rhodes Honorable Mention Certificate: Active Member of the WSO who has shown an above average dedication and promotion of occupational and environmental safety and health through development and implementation of the training programs in these fields.
Nominator: May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: A member in good standing with the World Safety Organization who exhibits total dedication and commitment to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through participation and personal involvement in professional safety activities.
WSO John A. Agrilla Honorable Mention Certificate: Active Member of the WSO who has shown an above average dedication to the promotion of occupational and environmental safety and health in the field of construction safety.
Nominator: May be nominated by any individual or organization with an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments.
Criteria for Nomination: A member in good standing with the World Safety Organization who exhibits total dedication and commitment to the protection of people, property, resources, and the environment through participation and personal involvement in professional safety activities.
Nomination of Awards
III. Nomination Procedures:
The awards cycle is from 1 January to 31 December each year. Nominations for a given year are accepted in the WSO by May 15th, following the end of the award cycle. In order to keep things as simple as possible, a single award nomination process is used for all awards. Please read the instructions carefully, and you will find that all the potential situations are covered. A letter format will be accepted as long as all the information is provided in the proper order. It is difficult to provide too much justification for your nomination. The most frequent problem is having insufficient information to judge the validity of the nomination.
The submission must contain the following information in the order shown below:
1. Name of the award for which the nomination is being submitted.
2. Name of the individual, group, committee, organization, or firm being nominated.
a. If nominating an individual: provide the name, home address, and phone number of the individual, as well as the employer’s work address, phone, and email address.
b. If nominating a group or committee: provide the name of the group or committee and the organization with which it is affiliated, as well as the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the chairperson.
c. If nominating an organization or firm: provide the name, address, and telephone of the firm, as well as the name, address, phone number, and email address (if applicable) of the chief executive officer, president, or owner.
3. Provide the name, address, telephone, and email address of the person making the nomination.
4. If the nominee is an individual, name the employer and provide a brief description of the nominee’s current position. If the nominee is a group, provide a description of the purpose of the group and the primary organization it supports (100-150 words).
5. Provide a description of the key outstanding accomplishments of the nominee. It must be clear exactly how the nominee meets the criteria for the award-nominated.
a. For individuals: provide a summary of the nominee’s educational and WSO-related professional accomplishments. Enumerate the nominee’s contributions to the WSO Organization, safety profession, and his/her employer and community.
b. For groups, committees, organizations, or firms: provide a summary of the nominee’s contribution(s) to the advancement of the WSO.
6. Provide the name, address, phone number, and email address (if applicable) of three references that can provide comments concerning the nominee’s performance. At least one reference must be a WSO organization member. Persons listed as references cannot be related to or employed by the nominee.
7. Provide appropriate supporting documentation to support the nomination. If the nomination is based on published works, provide copies of the document(s).
Submit all nominations by June 1 each year to:
WSO World Management Center
WSO Awards Committee
106 W Young St #F
Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 USA

Any question, please feel free to